Bringing art into life
Traditionally, the role art has been given is one of adornment, paintings gather dust on a wall and sculptures tend to sit on some pedestal hoping to catch a glance from its owner or a guest. I aim to change this. I make art with the intent of bringing it into your life, with the hopes that you will interact with it instead of just look at it from time to time.
greater vessels
In the last few years, I have become obsessed with vessels, from the urns that held the remains of pharaohs to the decanter the Greek gods may have used to store their ambrosia, Vessels offer a huge landscape to explore.
Fae Collection
A decanter is not just meant to hold good whiskey, though sure enough it can. The fae collection aims to answer questions about magical realms whirling around in my head.
Medium vessels
Each of these pieces attempts to encapsulate a historical character or a concept into a vessel that is easy to incorporate into your life.
Other functional sculptures
From electric guitars to water pipes or wands, all pieces meant to be used.
The king must die
This piece has been featured in several websites and magazines, the king must die is a massive battlefield made of 33 individually sculpted pieces (32 pieces plus the board) giving you control of a kingdom in a board.
Raul lopez pomares
Hi, my name is Raul Lopez Pomares, I was born in Spain (Madrid) and grew up mostly in Miami.
I studied Design and Electronic Intermedia at New World School of the arts and earn my living as a creative Director as well as an artist.
My work consists of functional art, conventionally art tends to find a resting place (a wall, a pedestal) and sits there gathering dust having little to no interaction with whoever owns said work. My aim is to integrate art with life rather than adorn it, to see my work being used rather than observed. I seek to change the role of the art collector to an active rather than passive one.
Early on I became fascinated with vessels, and quite a bit of my efforts concentrate on these. They have been used in a myriad of ways from the sacred Egyptian urns containing the remains of pharaohs to the more mundane decanters one uses to store or pour whatever strikes your fancy.
I do not understand why art has been relegated to a static existence when we should aim to incorporate it in our daily lives. Having said that I try not to overstate the importance of function over form but rather strike a balance in the two. This does not mean however that my only purpose is to create aesthetically pleasing work devoid of meaning. Making art (to me) is like releasing a pressure valve to stay sane, it is the result of trying to express and make sense of the world as seen through my personal lens